Sep 30, 2010

Gov. Arnold Schwarzenegger accuses oil companies of self serving greed - National Political Spin |

Sep 29, 2010

2010 Census: Poverty and foreclosures rip America - National Political Spin |

Sep 28, 2010

Sep 27, 2010

Senate Republicans block subpoena power for BP oil spill investigation

New Orleans. "BP Oil Flood" Protest,...Image via WikipediaThere was no explanation, only an objection by Republicans which effectively blocked the Presidential Commission on the BP oil spill from having subpoena power to conduct the investigation. “These guys are in bed with the oil industry,” said MSNBC Hardball host Chris Matthews.

The move makes little sense, apart from Matthews conclusion which suggests that Republicans have been financially motivated to protect BP from being forced to supply the facts on what caused the April 20, 2010 disaster that killed eleven people, and polluted the Gulf of Mexico with almost 5 million barrels of oil and 2 million gallons of toxic chemical dispersant.

Sen. Byron Dorgan D-ND said, “At a hearing that I was at we had Halliburton, Transocean and BP, all of whom were involved on this rig and this drill, and you know what they were doing is pointing at each other. Well, listen, the only way you’re going to get to the real truth and find out exactly what happened is to be able to subpoena all of them and say, look, you have got to produce all of your books and records so that we can inspect them and understand what happened a mile under the ocean out there.”

Historically, blocking subpoena power in disaster investigative commissions is unheard of. The terrorists crisis, the financial crisis and Three Mile Island commissions all had subpoena power.
Protecting BP does not serve the American people, and it will not bring the truth to the millions of people along the Gulf Coast who are entitled to answers. Moreover, it is an insult to the families of the eleven men who were killed the night the Deepwater Horizon exploded. It is difficult to fathom how the Republicans can justify obstructing justice in the BP oil spill, but that is exactly what they have done. The bigger question is, how can Americans let them get away with it?

Sep 26, 2010

Are BP govt. contracts influencing new estimates of oil spill rate? - Tampa Bay gulf oil spill |

Sep 25, 2010

BP not paying claims of oil spill victims
Military lesbians score victory as Judge rules don't ask don't tell unconstitutional

Sep 24, 2010

US govt. to study emotional damages caused by BP Gulf oil spill

Sep 23, 2010

BP shuts down oil spill hotline, abandons oil spill cleanup
Pledge to America drafted by lobbyist in bed with AIG, Exxon Mobil, drug makers - National Political Spin |
Privatizing Social Security gives America's future to Wall Street profit mongers
How the GOP is trying to cheat the public with their blame big govt. schemes - National Political Spin |

GOP plan to privatize Social Security gives US retirement future to Wall Street gamblers

Ida May Fuller, the first recipientImage via Wikipedia
Social Security is one of the most popular programs in America. Yet the GOP and Tea Party conservatives want to hand it over to Wall Street so it can become a profit generator for corporate gambling. No doubt the idea is being funded by lobbyists looking for easy money with loads and fees they can put on taxpayers' tabs. Why else would there be such a hard push to dismantle one of the most efficiently administrated government programs America has?

Out of every dollar that Social Security takes in, only .09 cents goes toward running the program. If Wall Street takes over, those costs will become fees of 5%, according to MSNBC.

Former president George W. Bush suggested privatizing Social Security in 2005. When the financial markets collapsed in 2008, retirement plans and 401K’s crashed along with the rest of the stock market, and millions were relieved that the Bush plan never went through. If it had, retired Americans might have lost their monthly checks entirely. Is this the path America really wants to take? Or do people simply not realize just how high the stakes are in giving Social Security to Wall Street?

People were outraged when CEO’s at taxpayer bailed-out financial institutions gave themselves multi-million dollar bonuses with TARP funds. Do they really want to give them even bigger bonuses with loads and fees tacked on to Wall Street controlled Social Security, or has anyone in favor of the GOP plan to privatize America’s future thought about that one?

Sep 22, 2010

Video: The Sarah Palin problem
Florida residents join $10M study on BP oil spil psycological damage - Tampa Bay gulf oil spill |
Democrat Blanch Lincoln joins Republican filibuster against gay rights military rule

Gay, Lesbian community suffers setback as Republicans block repeal of don't ask don't tell military rule

In the United States, Democratic vs. Republica...Image via WikipediaDemocrats Blanch Lincoln and Mark Prior of Arkansas joined the Republican filibuster and voted against lifting the ban on the don't ask don't tell US military policy that punishes homosexuals with discharge if they admit to gay or lesbian behavior. The reason, say Republicans, was the inclusion of the “DREAM Act (Development, Relief and Education for Alien Minors) a rider that would give young illegal immigrants a path to citizenship if they have been in the United States for longer than five years. To qualify, they also must have come to the country before the age of 16 and have completed at least two years of college or two years in the military,” according to Politics Daily.

 Earlier this month, U.S. District Judge Virginia Phillips ruled that the "don't ask don't tell" policy for gay and lesbian members of the US military is unconstitutional. According to Judge Phillips, the rule is a violation of the First and Fifth Amendments of the United States Constitution.

President Obama campaigned on the promise that he would work to repeal the decades-old ban on gays and lesbians in the military claiming it was discriminatory and forced the discharge of too many well-qualified soldiers. Supporters of repealing the don’t ask don’t tell ban also believe that sexual preference does not impair a person’s ability to serve in the armed forces.

Recommended links:

Sep 21, 2010

Poll: Democrats keep control of US Senate in November 2010 elections
Is the Great Recession really over? - National Political Spin |

Sep 20, 2010

Bill Clinton blames bad economy on shrinking middle-class - National Political Spin |
Tea Party Christine O'Connell draws controversy over witchcraft and masturbation issues
Bill Clinton: US economy failing because of growing gap between rich and poor

Sep 19, 2010

BP Macondo oil well officially declared dead

Sep 18, 2010

BP relief well reaches Deepwater Horizon well, bottom kill begins
American democracy crushed under the fist of special interest groups

Sep 14, 2010

Tax cuts for rich add $700 billion to US federal deficit

Tax cuts for rich add $700 billion to deficit: Republicans lead US down path of French Revolution

Tinted etching of Louis XVI of France, 1792, w...Image via Wikipedia
One-in-seven, or 45 million Americans are now poor, according to new Census data. However, the true figures may be even higher. The US government’s definition of poverty is based on an annual income level of $22,050 for a family of four.

Sen. Mitch McConnell (R-KY) admitted today on MSNBC, that the tax cuts the Republican Party supports would add $700 billion to the US federal deficit.

The Senate Minority Leader danced around questions from Savannah Guthrie, as to how the party that has been preaching fiscal responsibility could justify the budget-busting tax breaks for the rich. Yet McConnell’s rhetoric was a thinly veiled disguise for hypocrisy.

The Republican Party has vowed to block every piece of legislation the Obama Administration puts forth, even if they have to filibuster to do it. However, they are all in favor of signing off on tax cuts, as long as they apply to just 3% of Americans who earn more than $250,000 a year.

The right wing bias toward the rich comes on the heels of new Census data that shows 15% of the US population is now living in poverty, and the scenario unfolding on Capitol Hill is beginning to take the form of the events that lead to the French revolution (1789–1799).

“Adherents of most historical models identify many of the same features of the Ancient Regime as being among the causes of the French Revolution. Economic factors included widespread famine and malnutrition, due to rising bread prices, which increased the likelihood of disease and death, and intentional starvation in the most destitute segments of the population in the months immediately before the Revolution.

Another cause may have been France's near bankruptcy as a result of the many wars fought by Louis XV as well as financial strain caused by French participation in the American Revolutionary War. The social burdens caused by war included the huge war debt, made worse by the monarchy's military failures and ineptitude, and the lack of social services for war veterans.

The inefficient and antiquated financial system was unable to manage the national debt, something which was both partially caused and exacerbated by the burden of a grossly inequitable and inadequate system of taxation. Meanwhile the conspicuous consumption of the noble class, especially the court of Louis XVI and Marie-Antoinette at Versailles continued, despite the financial burden on the populace. High unemployment and high bread prices caused more money to be spent on food and less in other areas of the economy.”

Students of history with vision see many parallels between the aristocratic favoritism of 18th century France, and the direction America is taking today. The right wing of the American government has mounted a rebellion against the ruling party. As Adolf Hitler used scare tactics to blame the Jews for the woes of the suffering populous, Republicans blame Barack Obama and the Democrats for the country’s problems.
A right wing agenda favoring the elite, while millions continue to slide into poverty, fails to achieve the goals of representative government in a majority rule democracy. It is also a dangerous stance to take with the highest number of Americans in history now living in poverty.

The deeper the divide between the rich and poor, the closer America comes to the formula that lead to the French revolution. History can and will repeat itself, if policies that make the problems worse continue to be put into place.

More news and info:

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Two dogs rescued on expressway: Local car dealer called a hero (Slide show) 
Sen. Voinovich turns whistleblower, admits Republican's are playing games by blocking legislation 
Gulf oil spill investigation: Transocean, Halliburton, BP feud over blame 

Sep 13, 2010

Can tax cuts really help most Americans?
Gay, lesbian community scores victory: Court rules 'don̢۪t ask don̢۪t tell' is unconstitutional

Sep 12, 2010

America Creates More Wealth Under Democratic Presidents than Republican Presidents
BP Creates Artificial Island in Alaska to Avoid Offshore Drilling Safety Rules

Sep 11, 2010

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United Flight 93: The Heroes and Message of the 9/11 Terrorist Attacks

Sep 10, 2010

BP Atlantis Platform: Another oil spill disaster waiting to happen

Sep 9, 2010

Marijuana for Recreational Use on California Ballot in 2010 Elections
President Obama Fights Republicans on Tax Cuts for the Rich
The Bush tax cuts explained - National Political Spin |
President Obama Fights Republicans on Tax Cuts for the Rich

Sep 8, 2010

Hernando Co School Board Fights Falling Home Values for Budget Dollars - Associated Content -
BP Blames Transocean, Halliburton for Gulf Oil Spill Disaster
Transocean, Halliburton deny fault in BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill blame game - National Political Spin |
BP Blames Transocean and Halliburton for Gulf Oil Spill Disaster

Sep 5, 2010

FBI Takes Custody of BP Gulf Oil Spill Blowout Preventer
Video: Comedy Sketch on the BP Oil Spill: BP spills a cup of coffee at meeting
BP blowout preventer: A witness against BP - National Political Spin |

Sep 4, 2010

BP stalls completion of relief well:Fear of another oil well explosion?
BP stalls completion of relief well:Fear of another oil well explosion?

Sep 2, 2010

Video: Gulf oil rig explosion: Vermilion Bay Louisiana

Sep 1, 2010

Building project called environmental and economic disaster is approved by Hernando County - Tampa Bay Hernando County Political Buzz |

Building project called environmental and economic disaster is approved by Hernando County - Tampa Bay Hernando County Political Buzz |

Hernando County CourthouseImage via Wikipedia
Despite all the warnings against the Quarry Preserve project, Hernando County Commissioners have approve the massive housing and commercial development.

The 4,282-acre Quarry Preserve project north of Brooksville, Florida is an old rock quarry that was sold by Brooksville Quarry LLC after the mine was depleted. There are few roads for access, the water supply for the 5,800 unit residential community promises to be inadequate, and pollution issues were raised in the environmental impact report done by the state of Florida earlier this year.

The project is an environmental and economic disaster for everyone outside of the builders and developers who stand to make huge profits from the exploitation of the abandoned mine.

According to the Florida DCA's 46 page Objections, Recommendations and Comments report the plan is:

• Bad for the environment
• Bad for the economy
• Bad for the housing market
• Has no water supply
• No sewers
• Encroaches on federal endangered wildlife habitat, including 12 endangered species
• Creates undesirable sprawl
• Will pollute the water supply
• Is a bad use of the land
• Is inconsistent with the County’s plan for development
• Is not needed
• And violates state laws

It is unclear how or why Hernando County would approve a project this questionable. However, it may be the last chance they have to push though an unnecessary and unwanted building project.

Amendment 4 will be on the Florida ballot in November. Special interest groups are lobbying against the measure with scare tactics because it puts power in the hands of people instead of developers. 

Sample Ballot


TITLE: Referenda required for adoption and amendment of local government comprehensive land use plans.

BALLOT SUMMARY: Establishes that before a local government may adopt a new comprehensive land use plan, or amend a comprehensive land use plan, the proposed plan or amendment shall be subject to vote of the electors of the local government by referendum, following preparation by the local planning agency, consideration by the governing body and notice. Provides definitions.

For more information on Amendment 4, visit Florida Hometown Democracy
Forget the scare tactics and get the facts
Source:Building project called environmental and economic disaster is approved by Hernando County - Tampa Bay Hernando County Political Buzz |

Man Arrested for Starving Horses in Florida

Drill pipe stuck in BP Blowout Preventer:Gulf oil spill Update

President Barack Obama listens during a briefi...Image via Wikipedia

The news frenzy surrounding the BP oil spill has quieted to a mumble, but that does not mean that the crisis or the secrets that BP is keeping are over.

Last month, reports confirmed that a piece of drill pipe was stuck in the BP Macondo well's blowout preventer. Now it seems that BP's efforts to remove the jammed pipe before replacing the well stack have failed.

Admiral Allen announced on Friday that BP's attempt to remove the broken pipes stuck in their Mississippi Canyon Block 252 well had to be called off because there was no chance the attempt would succeed.

Industry expert Bob Cavnar said, "You'll recall that I disagreed with the procedure when it was announced on the 21st, believing it was unwise and risky. After now attempting to fish out the drill pipe (actually 3 pieces) for several days, they have called off the job after completely failing at achieving their goal. Previously, Adm. Allen had said that they wanted to get all the drill pipe out before pulling the BOP (which I also think is unwise), and replacing it with the BOP from the DDII before completing the relief well."

The Daily Hurricane has been outspoken on BP's clumsy maneuvers since the oils spill disaster began on April 20, 2010 with the explosion of the Deepwater Horizon rig.

"I know I keep saying it, but what the hell are they doing? I keep thinking these guys, whether it's Chu or BP, have some really smart folks advising them, but so far, I've witnessed scant evidence of that." Cavnar added, "Admiral Allen said they're using an ‘abundance of caution.' All I can say is that this is an abundance of something, but caution ain't one of them."

Drill pipe stuck in BP Blowout Preventer:Gulf oil spill Update

Related links:

BP accused by Transocean of withholding evidence in oil spill investigation

US Government to oversee BP removal of damaged Gulf oil spill BOP

BP relief well threatens another uncontrolled oil spill