2010 Gulf Oil Spill:In depth


Go back in time with the real time accounts of the 2010 Gulf oil spill as they were happening. The links below will take you on a journey to more than 400 hard hitting articles on the worst oil spill disaster in American history.  

You can find more at: Maryann Tobin: Tampa Gulf Oil Spill Examiner  and Tampa Animal Welfare ....

 Or you can start at the beginning  Obama announces plans for offshore drilling

2010 Gulf oil spill time line from present to the beginning:


Deepwater Horizon: Oil spill disaster destined to be repeated

Oil spills are not accidents. The lives lost in oil spill disasters are not intended or planned, but calling the root cause of oil spills an accident is far from accurate. As more details emerge about the events that led up to the BP oil spill catastrophe, it becomes obvious that multiple warning signs were ignored before the explosion that killed eleven men the night the Deepwater Horizon exploded. A closer look at other oil spill disasters reveals that the each one could have been avoided if safety had not been placed ahead of profits, and regulations already in place were enforced and adhered to.
The BP Deepwater Horizon blowout may have been caused by an unstable cement mix brewed by Halliburton, the company hired to seal the BP leased Macondo oil well.  However, information gathered from testimony at the President’s Oil Spill Commission show that Halliburton may have made false claims about the stability of their cement mixture.”
As the quest for black gold takes oil drilling rigs deeper into the oceans of the earth, safety becomes more imperative. But deeper drilling also means higher costs, so the tendency to cut corners to save money also increases.

If the oil drilling industry continues to work around oversight and safety rules, each oil spill is likely to get progressively worse until one day, the world will encounter a truly unstoppable leak.

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Oil Spill panel: BP blowout caused by unstable Halliburton cement mix

2010 Gulf oil spill: What if the relief well had failed?

Oil spill testimony: Deepwater Horizon spill was not an accident

Panel blasts Obama Administration for hiding BP oil spill data

Obama Administration involved in cover up of Gulf oil spill disaster

Deepwater Horizon hearings reveal critical testimony against BP

Subpoena power in BP oil spill investigation blocked by Senate Republicans

BP collecting more than $9B in US Government contracts

BP news: Oil spill claims not being paid

BP finally kills Deepwater Horizon oil spill well but damage to Gulf remains

BP finally reaches target with relief well, cement begins to flow

Transocean, Halliburton deny fault in BP Deepwater Horizon oil spill blame game

BP blowout preventer in FBI custody

BP blowout preventer: A witness against BP

2010 Oil spill conspiracy theories: True or false?


BP dispersant: The Agent Orange of the Gulf oil spill disaster

As of August 5, the government reported collecting a total of 3,606 dead birds, 508 dead sea turtles and 67 dead mammals from the Gulf. Collected and actually killed are two different things. The real numbers are likely to be considerably higher.

There is a lot to hide beneath the Gulf oil spill disaster, and a lot of financial motivation to hide it. So much so, that reports have suggested that BP oil spill whistle blower Matt Simmons may have been assassinated by BP, the CIA or both, instead of conflicting reports that he either died of a heart attack, or drowned in his tub.

Lawsuits and a pending criminal investigation by the US Attorney General’s office against BP will likely result in judgments totaling billions of dollars. But what if the US government was also found to be liable because of unenforced safety regulations? Could damages bankrupt the US Treasury?

“With BP having poured nearly two million gallons of the dispersant known as Corexit into the Gulf of Mexico, many lawmakers and advocacy groups say the Obama administration is not being candid about the lethal effects of dispersants, ” according to Democracy Now.

EPA whistle blower Hugh Kaufman said, “These dispersants were used in massive quantities, almost two million gallons, to hide the magnitude of the spill and save BP money. The government—both EPA, NOAA, etc.—have been sock puppets for BP in this cover-up. By hiding the amount of spill, BP is saving hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars in fines, and so, from day one, there was tremendous economic incentive to use these dispersants to hide the magnitude of the gusher”

Kaufman added, “Congressman Markey made the BP and government put a camera down there to show the public the gusher, and when they did that, experts saw that the amount of oil being released.…was magnitudes greater than what BP and NOAA and EPA were saying….. People who work near [Corexit] are hemorrhaging internally, but the EPA now is taking the position that they really don’t know how dangerous it is..… for example, in the Exxon Valdez case, people who worked with dispersants, most of them are dead now. The average death age is around fifty. It’s very dangerous, and it’s an economic protector of BP, not an environmental protector of the public.… We know there is a cover up. "

During a hearing on the oil spill disaster, Senator Barbara Makulski (D- Maryland) referred to BP's chemical dispersants as the “agent orange” of the Gulf oil spill disaster.

No doubt it will take some time for the truth to come out on BP’s use of chemical dispersants – as it inevitably did with Agent Orange.


 Adm. Thad Allen puts BP relief well on hold again

Fisherman not allowed to report tar balls anymore

BP media blackout feeds conspiracy theory with false govt. reports of vanishing oil

BP relief well threatens another uncontrolled oil spill

BP uncertain if Deepwater Horizon static kill will hold back the oil

BP well pressure test indicates static kill failure: Is BP avoiding the relief well?

Matt Simmons: BP, CIA conspiracy theory suggested behind his unexpected death

BP still needs bottom kill to seal Macondo well

BP relief well further away from target than previous reports?

Doug Suttles: BP may drill another well in same explosive Macondo well reservoir

Corexit BP dispersant makes oil disappear:Toxic aftermath in food chain, environment to last years

Worst dead zone in 25 years recorded in Gulf of Mexico waters: Is BP oil spill dispersant the cause?

Gulf media blackout: BP turns off live video feed for three days: Wellhead is leaking

Whistle blower: BP dispersant poses greater risk than admitted: EPA does flip flop on Corexit

Tony Hayward's bad handling of BP Gulf oil spill disaster has oil industry running scared

BP admits top kill mud was toxic: Tony Hayward US Senate testimony might now prove to be perjury

BP oil spill clean up to include CEO Tony Hayward

Scientists emerge with warnings of BP chemical dispersant abuse

BP buying scientists to hide data

Static kill next plan to cap well and hide per gallon spill count?

Sea floor leak now confirmed may have been hidden by Gulf oil spill media blackout

BP, US Government send conflicting signals over keeping Macondo well cap closed

BP Deepwater Horizon and Exxon Valdez: Disasters with too much in common

President Obama warns Gulf of Mexico oil spill crisis is not over yet

BP oil spill: Gulf of Mexico environmental damage may be permanent: NOAA video 

Bob Cavnar: BP well integrity test, new containment cap, another BP trick to beat oil spill fines

BP cut off from new US oil drilling leases: California Democrat Miller amendment passes

Macondo well: More evidence of damage: BP stops drilling relief wells, delays pressure test

New containment cap pressure test is key to Relief Well success or failure

BP oil spill disaster enters critical phase as Gulf relief well approaches damaged casing

Gulf oil spill disaster: Media blackout hides critical data on relief wells: Video, photos

BP relief wells UPDATE: Video and pictures of progress as drills approach BP Macondo well casing

BP Community Liaison Kindra Arnesen: Human life is 'expendable' in Gulf oil spill disaster: Video

BP shuns US government, EPA: Corexit still flows against orders: Media blackout worsens

Hundreds of people get sick after swimming in Gulf

Oil spill media blackout hides worse spill from BP's third ignored oil leak

Whistle blower to testify on oil spill worst fear:BP deliberately sinks oil with Corexit as cover up

Did President Obama sell out the American people to BP for an oil spill media blackout and money?

Panic brews on Gulf coast under suspicions of oil spill media blackout of threats to public safety

BP Macondo oil well: Fictional ancient curse becoming reality

 Why can't President Obama stop the Deepwater Horizon leak at the Macondo oil well ?

Deepwater Horizon oil spill disaster: BP Macondo well from Hell destined to be global catastrophe

Rachel Maddow: Can the Deepwater Horizon disaster get worse?

Relief wells may not stop Deepwater Horizon oil leak