Senator Bernie Sanders (I-VT) does not mince words when it comes to revealing what he believes to be the Republican agenda. In an interview with Rachel Maddow on MSNBC, Sanders said that in the Halls of Washington, the GOP has made no secret of the fact that their first mission is to destroy President Obama.
The reason they want to destroy President Obama is so they can take America back to the last century. According to Sanders, they want to dismantle the EPA so the oil companies can “do whatever they want.” Then they want to get rid of Social Security, Food Stamps, unemployment, college PELL Grants, and every other safety net and public government benefit the United States has implemented since the days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
The reason they want to destroy President Obama is so they can take America back to the last century. According to Sanders, they want to dismantle the EPA so the oil companies can “do whatever they want.” Then they want to get rid of Social Security, Food Stamps, unemployment, college PELL Grants, and every other safety net and public government benefit the United States has implemented since the days of Franklin Delano Roosevelt.
“They don’t care what happens” to the elderly or sick people, Sanders said. “They want to take the country back to the last century.”
The Republicans may indeed succeed in destroying what’s left of the endangered middle class. Since wealth in America is concentrated in the hands of just 2% of the population, that would push millions of people into poverty. Without food stamps, more families will go hungry. That is apparently just what the republicans want.
Politico reported that former Republican House Leader, Newt Gingrich, said, “This year, the House Republican’s Pledge to America has set the stage for a powerful, symbolic closing argument for candidates seeking to unseat the left-wing, big spending, job killing Democrats: paychecks versus food stamps. It is an unassailable fact that in June, more food stamps were distributed by the government than ever before in American history. Which future do I want? More food stamps? Or more paychecks?”
Republicans do not appear to be concerned about jobs or the deficit. If they were they would do something to move the country forward, rather than roll it back to the 1930’s, when so many Americans were starving, President Roosevelt had to create government programs like Food Stamps to keep large segments of the population from dying in the streets.
In the end, the millions in the middle class who voted for the republicans who plan to dismantle the U.S. government will be the ones who end up losing. The middle class will become the poor and the poor will have no power in the self-perpetuating republican regime that will become the new United States of America.