Aug 28, 2010

BP Chemical Dispersant called the Agent Orange of the 21st Centruy

New Orleans. "BP Oil Flood" Protest,...Image via WikipediaThe Vietnam War and the BP 2010 Gulf oil spill may have more in common than most people think. Time will tell if Agent Orange and the BP oil spill dispersant, Corexit, are equally dangerous to human health. Some data suggests that the BP dispersant may be worse.

In August 2010, the government reported the death toll for animals in the Gulf oil spill disaster. Many scientists believe that the 4,181 count is a gross underestimation of the real numbers. Considering the fact that BP grossly underestimated the number of gallons of oil they spilled into the Gulf of Mexico, it should be no surprise that the public may be getting another miscount.

More than 150,000 Vietnamese children were born with birth defects after the US government used Agent Orange to clear forests during the Vietnam War. Another 3 million suffered other adverse health affects.

Democracy Now said, “With BP having poured nearly two million gallons of the dispersant known as Corexit into the Gulf of Mexico, many lawmakers and advocacy groups say the Obama administration is not being candid about the lethal effects of dispersants. ”

EPA whistle blower Hugh Kaufman said, “These dispersants were used in massive quantities, almost two million gallons, to hide the magnitude of the spill and save BP money. The government—both EPA, NOAA, etc.—have been sock puppets for BP in this cover-up. By hiding the amount of spill, BP is saving hundreds of millions, if not billions, of dollars in fines, and so, from day one, there was tremendous economic incentive to use these dispersants to hide the magnitude of the gusher.”

During Senate hearings on the oil spill disaster, Senator Barbara Makulski (D- Maryland) referred to BP's chemical dispersants as the “agent orange” of the Gulf oil spill disaster.
It may be years before we know the true impact from the BP dispersant used in the Gulf oil spill disaster.

As more BP whistle blowers come forward with damaging evidence on the oil spill chemical, there will be more need for the public to be concerned. If it turns out that Corexit is as dangerous to human health as Agent Orange was, the worst part of the 2010 Gulf oil spill disaster may be yet to come.

More links:

BP media blackout feeds conspiracy theory with false govt. reports of vanishing oil

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