Aug 30, 2010

Economic Disaster: Will America fall like the former Soviet Union?

US President Ronald Reagan and Soviet General ...Image via WikipediaAs America fights an uphill battle with her failing economy, similarities between the collapse of the former Soviet Union and the failure of the US financial systems create alarming comparisons. Among them are the 5 stages of economic collapse as chronicled by Russian engineer Dmity Orlov.

Since significant legislation to prevent the repeat of another collapse has not been implemented, the United States may be in danger of complete collapse, much like what happened to the former Soviet Union.
In The Five Stages of Collapse, Russian engineer, Dmitry Orlov said, AI watched the Soviet Union collapse, and since I am also familiar with the details of the situation in the United States, I can make comparisons between these two failed superpowers."

There is evidence to suggest that some elements of all 5 stages of economic collapse have already arrived in America. People are losing faith in the government, businesses and each other.

Orlov's 5 Stages of Economic Collapse are:
Stage 1- Financial Collapse
Stage 2- Commercial Collapse
Stage 3-Political Collapse
Stage 4-Social Collapse
Stage 5-Cultural Collapse

We have already established substantial evidence that Stage 1-Financial Collapse, has already taken place: It was the collapse of the United States financial system in 2008.
What led to our financial crisis was, in part, the removal of government regulations as it relates to lending practices and the sale of mortgages as investment securities.

There is debate among those who have been following Orlov's correlation between the economic collapse of America and what happened in the former Soviet Union, as to what stage the United States is entering; Each stage involves the loss of faith or trust in some key components of the status quo.

Many Americans agree that United States has past stage 1 financial collapse. Some believe stage 5 cultural collapse has begun. Regardless of where an individual is on the economic ladder, there is no denying the United States remains under the very real threat of total economic collapse, similiar to the fate of the former Soviet Union.

Additional links:

Bailed out banks foreclosing on record number homes
Bad economy blamed for record number of murders & suicides
National home sales suffer steep drop despite Obama Administration programs
Florida residents get false reports of vanishing oil in BP Gulf oil spill disaster

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