Nov 17, 2010

Republican reality: GOP proposals will make deficit much worse

Ben Affleck at the MSNBC studios on the set of...Image via Wikipedia
 Perception is everything, and what the newly empowered Republicans are counting on is having the public believe that they are on the road to getting America’s deficit house in order. However, GOP proposals will, in fact, make the deficit much worse.

On MSNBC on Tuesday, Rachel Maddow said, “Think about the distance between what Republicans say they are doing and what they are actually proposing. All day bragging about how much they want to cut the deficit while simultaneously proposing adding to the deficit $700 billion (tax cuts for the rich), plus $138 billion (repeal health care reform), plus $14 billion (defense spending), plus $19 billion (cap and trade). All added to the deficit as they proclaim that they want to cut the deficit. But because they are banking on the press only writing down what they say they’re going to do rather than what they’re actually proposing.”

Maddow made another valid point. She said if you just repeat what the Republicans say, “that’s called publicizing.” Telling the public “what they actually do, what they are proposing in terms of policy that is reporting.”

It’s hard to ignore that kind of logic. Perhaps because it is true.

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