Feb 17, 2011

GOP attacks middle class with union busting move in Wisconsin

Wisconsin Protests: Union busting GOP attacks middle class

Crowds of protesters in Wisconsin are growing as the Republican takeover of America turns into a union-busting attack on the middle class.
Minnesota Governor Scott Walker has proposed pay cuts for teachers and local government workers of up to 9%. Additionally, Walker wants to strip unions of their collective bargaining power, which would effectively bust the unions.

“Unionized workers in Minnesota are opposing a measure that would strip most Wisconsin public employees of their collective bargaining rights,” according to the Chicago Tribune.

Walker says the cuts are necessary to balance the Minnesota budget, but opponents claim the move is a ruse aimed at breaking unions.

If the measure passes the Minnesota legislature in a vote planned for Thursday, businesses already hit by the worst recession since the Great Depression in the 1930’s will suffer from the decreased spending power of workers with smaller paychecks. 

The result could be more layoffs, particularly for small and mid-size businesses.
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