Apr 27, 2011

Birther’s ‘don’t care’ about Obama’s birth certificate

If you tell a Birther that the sky is blue, then point to the sky and show them that the sky is blue, they will still deny that the sky is really blue. After Wednesday’s release of President Obama’s official long form certified birth certificate, that is essentially what the Birther's are saying.

According to Politico, “Phil Berg, who filed one of the original birther lawsuits, now believes Obama was adopted by his Indonesian father and lost his U.S. citizenship.” Berg said.

Adopted? Now that’s a new one. But just in case that is not enough to keep a baseless movement going, you can always change the question.

Berg added, “The issue is that he’s not anymore natural born. I don’t care if he releases his birth certificate or whatever.”

But wait! Wasn’t that the entire point of the Birther Movement in the first place?

Politico adds, “Orly Taitz, once called Queen of the Birther’s and who was responsible for a number of lawsuits, says she is verifying the document’s authenticity and now believes the president is using a false Social Security number.”

The sad part about the new adoption and Social Security claims against President Obama is that the Birther movement may be forced to change its name to cover their new fear-based, made-up theories.

How about this one: Barack Obama wasn't born anywhere because he was created in a test tube on a space ship, and no one has ever really seen him because he is really a computer generated avatar.

Don’t laugh, but that one could be next from the ridiculously suspicious, or ridiculously stupid people keeping the importance of the Birther Movement ahead of unemployment, the continuing foreclosure crisis, rising poverty rates, crumbling roads, the national debt, and controlling health care costs.

After all, the sky is not blue, it's really black with pink and plaid polka dots - you just can't see it.

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