Nov 17, 2010

Are Dem’s holding out hope for a deal on Obama tax cuts for middle class only?

Barack Obama at the University of Nevada, Las ...Image via Wikipedia
Republicans have vowed to block any Democratic deals on extending the Bush tax cuts if they do not include an extension for wealthy people earning more than $250,000 a year. An extension of the tax cuts for the richest Americans will add $700 billion to the budget deficit, which goes against the GOP pledge to reduce America's debt.
“In an off-camera briefing with reporters on Wednesday, Press Secretary Robert Gibbs deflected a question as to whether the administration would like to see a solitary vote on whether to keep the current rates for the middle class while letting those for the wealthy expire,” according to the Huffington Post. "I'd have to talk to [legislation] affairs office," he said.
That line of thinking does coincide with President Obama’s previous statements that keeping tax rates low on the middle class was his priority. However, Democrats have been widely criticized for their lack of resolve when it comes to defending their working class base.
If the Democrats were to force a vote on extending the Bush tax cuts only for people earning less than $250,000 a year, the Republicans would have to go after tax cuts for the rich through separate legislation. Trying to pass a bill that only benefits the rich will show the American public where the GOP’s loyalty really lies, and that will not win them many votes in the next general election.

The Bush tax cuts explained

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