Nov 18, 2010

Donald Trump for president on MSNBC's Morning Joe

Donald Trump at a press conference announcing ...Image via Wikipedia
Donald Trump gave MSNBC Morning Joe hosts, Mika Brzezinski and Joe Scarborough some straight talk about what he sees as America’s biggest problems and his possible bid for the White House in 2012. Trump cited agreements with OPEC and China as issues that are working against economic progress in the U.S. He said “We don’t make anything here anymore. Why is that?” Trump also said that Americans make better products than the ones imported from China and that there is no excuse for us to be giving away our jobs. “I buy a lot of products from China – it’s always breaking,” Trump said.

With some changes to our trade agreements with China, Trump was also confident that our budget deficit problems would be solved.

On the energy front, Trump was critical of OPEC. He said, “We have to break OPEC.” Then in the straight-talking form he is famous for, he added, “Hey look, half of these people are there because of us. We created OPEC by protecting them so, like, Saddam Hussein and others didn’t take them over a long time ago; like Kuwait, who are big investors outside of the United States. They don’t want to invest in the United States because their return isn’t good enough in the United States. And yet we handed the country back to them; didn’t ask for payment. We put out all the fires of the oil wells and Kuwait is out there saying, no I’d rather invest in China because the return on investment is better; OK, Give me a break.”


“What happens with OPEC is an all time classic. These eleven men sit around a table and they fix the price of oil.” He added, “The way we run this country is an absolute disgrace.” We talk about things, “but nothing ever gets done.”


Trump said OPEC and China are sucking the blood out of this country. “Did you ever notice that when things are going good in this country oil prices go up?... we have to do something about OPEC, and we have to do something about China and other countries.”


As far as a run for the presidency in 2012, Trump said he is quite happy running is Real Estate Empire, but added, “I’d run as a Republican.” When pressed by Brzezinski for details, Trump said he’s considering running because “There’s a frustration on how stupidly our country is run.” 


It sounds like Trump feels he could do a better job at running the country. There are not many Americans who would disagree that the current leadership, both Democrats and Republicans, seem to be good at everything but getting the job done.

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