Dec 2, 2010

Republicans threaten blockade over tax cuts for wealthy

Senate republicans sent a letter to Majority Leader Harry Reid that removes all doubt as to what is important to the GOP: Tax cuts for the wealthy. Unless the democrats agree to extend the Bush tax cuts for the top 2% income brackets, the republicans are refusing to vote on any legislation at all.

The move sounds more like a terrorist threat than legislative government, but apparently, maintaining budget-busting tax discounts for the wealthiest Americans is more important than ratifying the START treaty on nuclear weapons, extending unemployment benefits, Don’t ask don’t tell, or enacting immigration reform legislation through the Dream Act.

The tax cuts for millionaires will add $700 billion to the deficit. However, Minority leader Mitch McConnell has not addressed why tax breaks for the wealthy justify breaking his party’s pledge to reduce the nation’s $13.7 trillion debt.

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