Feb 11, 2011

Egypt crowds cheer: Mubarak steps down

Vice President Omar Suleiman has announced that Hosni Mubarak will step down as president of Egypt. The statement follows eighteen days of protests and labor strikes by millions of Egyptian people. Power in Egypt has been passed on to the Egyptian military.

Last night, Mubarak said he intended to remain in office until the end of his term in September, but handed over some control of the government to his newly appointed Vice President, Omar Suleiman. However, that did not satisfy the crowds that have been demanding the resignation of Mubarak.

Mubarak reportedly left the Presidential Place Thursday night, after demonstrators refused to leave the streets of Cairo with turnover of power to the Vice President.

Friday’s announcement of Mubarak’s resignation has brought jubilation to the people of Egypt, with millions celebrating in Liberation Square.

The demonstrations in Cairo were sparked by high unemployment and claims that the Mubarak government did not hold fair elections.  The revolution hopes to bring true democracy to Egypt, through free elections and better living conditions for the large number of poor, working-class Egyptians.

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